As you are aware Trinidad School District 1 closed today due to a potential threat reported on Safe2Tell. The Trinidad Police Department investigated what little information they had in the report. District staff are working closely with Law Enforcement and taking the threat seriously, as we do all threats. Trinidad School District will be in session Friday, September 20 as there is no evidence of a credible threat. We are committed to taking all necessary measures to ensure our students and schools remain safe and will have additional patrols at all three schools. We appreciate your ongoing support of our students and schools. With your help, our schools will continue to be the best place for students to learn and thrive.
Sometimes it feels like you are not given every detail about students at your school. I can assure you we are not trying to keep information from you. We want you to know as much as possible so you can continue to be a supportive safety partner for your school and child. We ask for your assistance when making a report using Safe2Tell to include as much information as possible. When you feel unsafe or hear something that causes you fear, please report it to the school administrator and/or call Safe2Tell at 1-877-542-7233.
Thanks for your cooperation,
Dr. Bonnie Aaron, Superintendent